Boosting income with an engaging affiliate program design

Web design, Landing page, Visual design, Icon design


Boosting income with an engaging affiliate program design

Web design, Landing page, Visual design, Icon design


Boosting income with an engaging affiliate program design

Web design, Landing page, Visual design, Icon design



In today's competitive digital landscape, engaging users to promote products and services through affiliate programs has become a vital strategy for growth. Splash, an innovative AI music creation service, sought to tap into this potential by incentivising its user base by earning 20% of every new subscription they bring in. The challenge lay in designing an affiliate program that not only motivates current users to participate but also ensures a seamless and rewarding experience. Before the program, Splash faced issues with user engagement and was looking for ways to expand its market reach without incurring the high costs typically associated with traditional marketing campaigns. The company aimed to leverage its existing user base to generate new subscriptions impacting our key metric (MRR), thereby fostering a community-driven growth model.

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